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by or about
Cornell Daily Sun


Bernard Gartlir '38

Kurt Vonnegut '44 

Donald Archer '51

Leon A. Allen, Jr. '55 (PDF)
Gordon White '55

Michael R. Griffinger '58 
Kirkpatrick Sale '58 

Carl P. Leubsdorf '59 

Robert S. Gabriner '63 
Joel H. Sachs '63 

Barry J. Cutler '65 
Leslie Steinau '65

Joseph Jaffe '66 

Joel H. Kaplan '66 
Thomas J. Moore '66  

Phyllis E. Kaye '67 
Marvin L. Marshak '67
/ PDF 
Howard Reiter '67 
Nicholas Waranoff '67 

Mark A. Belnick '68 
Kathleen A. Frankovic '68 
Robert D. Kaplow '68 

James R. Michaels '68 
David Radin '68 
Malcolm I. Ross '68 
Paul R. Weissman '68

Vivian Lam Braciale '69 
Stan Chess '69 
Robert J. Einhorn '69 
Paul M. Mayfield '69 
Deborah Huffman Schenk '69 
Daniel M. Taubman '69 

Nicholas Adams '70 
Arlene G. Dubin '70 / Dubin - 2   

Stuart Luppescu '70 
Paul A. Rahe '70
Roger Rattner

Brian W. Gray '71 
Barbara A. Kantrowitz '71 
Aric Press '71 

Peter M. Bartfeld '72 
Jay Branegan '72 
Gary L. Rubin '72 
Kathleen Waits '72 

Dick Brass '73 

Maia Aron '74 
Seth M. Siegel '74 
Barry S. Strauss '74 

Larry Wittenberg '76 

Charles Rothfeld '77

Thomas A. Smith '79 

Joey Green '80 

Michael J. Allen '81 
David Boraks '81
Jonathan M. Ralston '81 
Gordon Silverstein '81

Leslie C. Doctor '83 

Barbara Alonso '86 
Barry Eisler '86 

Arudou Debito (David Aldwinckle) '87 

Daniel Coultoff '89 
Daniel Gross '89 
Steve Weinstein '89

Ellen Braitman '90

Otto Pohl '91

Wade Kwon '92 

Davidson Goldin '93 
Preston Mendenhall '93 

Kelly DiNardo '98 

Marc Zawel '04

Andrew Guess '05



Deceased Alumni

E.B. White '20 / White - 2 / White - 3

Dick Schaap '55 / Schaap - 2

Paul M. Grimes '48 










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